


全家庭治疗团体有限责任公司,米莎·赖斯,城市固体废物,LCSW- c, LCSW

职位/角色: 创始人兼CEO /治疗师
地点: 马里兰州Pikesville
成立于: 2018

我在西巴尔的摩市出生并长大, not far from where the Freddie Gray riots took place; 我是 up in a single-parent home. 我的母亲, 祖母, 是姨妈把我养大的, 当我进入小学的时候, 我妈妈买了一套房子给我们住. I attended Mount Royal Elementary Middle School after transferring from Rosa Parks Catholic School, 也被称为St. 安布罗斯在公园高地. 从那里,我进入了东巴尔的摩的巴尔的摩城市学院高中. 我一毕业, 我妈妈给了我两个选择, 我要么上大学,要么找份工作, 她说得很清楚,不能让我坐在家里无所事事...好吧,我选择了上大学. 那年夏天,我进入了北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗的贝内特女子学院. 我的专业是大众传播,主修广播新闻/电视/电影/制作. I worked in that field and the Entertainment Industry doing Marketing in the Mid-Atlantic for Universal Music and Video Distribution, 包括他们旗下的音乐厂牌.

有人介绍我从事社会工作, 在那之后不久, 2011年,我申请并被马里兰大学社会工作研究生院录取. 在我离开娱乐圈照顾我母亲一段时间之后, 谁被诊断为IV期转移性乳腺癌, 我决定走这条路. There was a desire to do something to advocate for people who were not quite able to advocate for themselves, 比如我母亲在那段时间的经历. In 2013, I earned a Master of Social Work (MSW) in Clinical Mental Health from the University of Maryland Graduate School of Social Work, 全国顶尖的社会工作学校之一.

我于2018年10月成立了全家康复小组. 2019年4月20日,我开始见我的第一个客户. 我设想为家庭提供服务, 个人, 还有正在处理创伤的儿童, 以及与心理健康问题相关的家庭和关系冲突. 当我母亲的母亲因乳腺癌去世时,我意识到了这一点, 不久之后,她被诊断出患有同样的第四期转移性乳腺癌.

癌症. 回顾, I know now that my mom had sunk into a deep 抑郁症 that remained undiagnosed by clinical/medical professionals, 虽然有很多
迹象. 我母亲和她的父母一起长大. 她的父亲, 我的祖父, 我深爱并崇拜的人, 因为他一生都在处理一些事情,所以他在感情上不支持她吗. My 祖母 did her best to keep the household together; she had to do it alone because of her husband's, 我祖父的, 酒精成瘾.

我妈妈是单身母亲,独自抚养我长大, 一直在读本科和研究生, 全职工作, 供我读完小学, 然后去了北卡罗来纳州上大学. 在我的童年发生了这么多事情, 从来没提过心理健康, 悲伤, 或者任何与我的家庭有关的东西. There were also no discussions of a safe place for anyone in the family to go together or individually to talk about and process life issues, 感情, 情绪, 或者单亲家庭对我母亲的情感和心理健康的影响. 然而, 随着年龄的增长, 我妈妈让我去看心理医生,帮助我克服她在我小时候看到的一些变化. I appreciate my mom to this day for being so forward-thinking and loving me enough to give me something that she may not have fully understood or experienced for herself.

“全家治疗小组”这个名字是我在梦中想到的. I had been thinking for many weeks about a name that would encompass all I had dreamed of to provide for people struggling to cope and deal with life’s stressors. 我想建一个有家的感觉的地方, 所有种族的人都在哪里, 性别, 少数民族, 社会经济背景和文化让人感到安全和被倾听. 他们学习如何创造, 重新创建, 为自己维持更好的生活, 他们的孩子, 他们的家庭, 和其他所爱的人. 为家庭提供安全的空间也是我的想法, 以及家庭中的个体, 以我和我的家人当时需要的方式获得帮助. 最后, 我希望建立一家公司,让提供服务的临床医生感到受到支持, 和重视, 在一个促进学习的环境中, 疗愈, 增长, 和自我保健.

Our mission is to help our clients heal from the inside out by addressing mental health disorders associated with trauma, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 生活压力源. 我们也提供治疗,以解决创伤和家庭冲突的代际模式. 我们是一个整个家庭都可以来疗伤的诊所, 社会, 无论是心理上的共同还是个人.

Whole Family Healing Group provides easily accessible mental health and 好吧ness services that are ethical, 文化主管, 对个人不加评判, 家庭, 以及世界各地的情侣.




We offer a safe space for 家庭 以及家庭中的个体 system to heal from many life stressors associated with mental illness. What sets me apart from others in the industry is that our system was built to accommodate whole family 疗愈 and the 疗愈 that can take place with 个人 in the family. We guide entire 家庭 together on 疗愈 journeys and have clinicians who can work with the 个人. 我们还提供西班牙语-英语翻译服务. What I want people to know about 我的生意 is that we host multiple-member family sessions and serve military veterans and active military 家庭. We are 文化主管 and accept people from all socioeconomic backgrounds and the LGBTQ Community. 我们知道治愈是一个过程, and we will stick it out with our clients along their 疗愈 journeys; whether they regress or succeed, 我们将提供一个非评判性的治愈空间,以促进家庭内部的团结.


What inspired me to start 我的生意 was growing up in a family that was broken and dysfunctional. Seeing family members not know how to communicate with each other to repair and maintain family relationships. 我的家人没有做这项工作, 所以我想为整个家庭提供一个安全的空间,让他们团聚在一起,重新成为一个整体. 同样激励我的是我祖父的故事,他是一个酒鬼. He witnessed one of his siblings killed and was also a victim of a violent throat-slashing incident; I know now that 我的祖父 drank daily because he was masking pain and did not have anyone to help him unpack or process those traumatic events. 那次失和导致我祖父过早地离开了这个世界. 我现在也认识到,当我妈妈后来的行为发生变化时,那是抑郁症. 我想确保家庭和社区都了解这些迹象和症状. 最重要的是, 帮助消除因心理健康问题而寻求帮助的耻辱, 尤其是在有色人种社区.


我的生意的特别之处在于它是一个黑人女性的生意. We are also working to serve the 西班牙语-speaking community globally as we are entering our 2nd year of offering 西班牙语-英语 translation services. 我们也被授权在佛罗里达州的家庭系统内为家庭和个人服务. 还有什么特别的是我们提供虚拟和面对面的治疗, 我们相信与医生一起努力解决精神疾病. We are also proud to see parents and 他们的孩子 come for 疗愈 therapy sessions to restore or maintain their relationships.


What influenced me to seek help from SCORE was that I was entering my third year in a legal business and my second year serving clients, 我感觉被困住了. I started the business in 2018 and started seeing my first client in April of 2019; then soon after that, 大流行来袭, 一切都在一夜之间改变了. 我不得不调整我的整个生意. 这意味着将客户从面对面的医疗转变为远程医疗, 加强我的技术和基础设施, 努力让所有病人都参与进来, 引导他们了解正在发生的事情, 保持我的精神健康. 我需要改变我的业务运作方式, 我之前也试过寻求帮助, 但不管出于什么原因, 它没有通过, 所以我说, 好吧.... 让我再试一次,看看会发生什么. 这绝对是我迄今为止在商业上做出的最好的决定之一.


SCORE made a difference in 我的生意 in that I was able to launch a new professional website complete with enhanced SEO. Norm helped me find better buzzwords so people would find and notice 我的生意 more on the website. 网站流量和预约电话增加了100%. 2022年12月,我的个人资料在b谷歌上被浏览了486次. 然后,在2023年1月的第一周,我在Facebook上的个人资料的浏览量刚刚超过1000次.一周3千次. 我们的活跃客户数量增加了35%,我们的缺席率下降了. 我是, 有2个以上,我的Instagram主页上有5000个粉丝, 我现在正在把内容放到我的商业YouTube频道上. SCORE也帮助我为网站选择了最专业的照片, 我的整体业务呈现指数级增长. Norm在整个过程中也支持我,看了我的草稿并给出了很好的反馈. 我也收到了所有培训的通知, 到目前为止已经有很多了, 但到目前为止,我最喜欢的是一页纸的商业计划研讨会. I loved it because it made me feel more confident in writing a solid business plan that I can take to any bank or investor to get more financial support for the business.

SCORE已经取得了许多成功. 我们增加了我们的受众和对业务和服务的认识. We expanded to the Dominican Republic as part of our DEI initiative and have been working to aid and address mental health challenges within the 西班牙语-speaking culture and communities. 我们雇佣了一个虚拟的行政助理,增加了我们的收入. We also decided to launch an online T-shirt store and mask accessories where part of the proceeds will be used to give food and other supplies to children and 家庭 in need in the Dominican Republic.


我无法用言语来形容近两年来与Norm的合作有多棒. 我们第一次谈话时, 他很有耐心, 花时间倾听我的担忧, 还想了解我, 我的生意, 我的目标, 等. 他在商业方面很有学问, 他和我分享的东西适用于所有领域, 不管你在哪个行业. 他帮助我的公司达到了最佳商业标准. 一切都增加. He took a fine-tooth comb and combed through 我的生意 and website presence; all his suggestions were spot on. He was not pushy; he gave me the time and space to be great in my own way. 尽管他提供了建议/指导, 同时, 我知道他不是来告诉我该怎么处理我的生意的. 我觉得自己被倾听了,没有被评判的感觉. 当我要报到并让诺姆知道我的进展时,他总是会回应... 我觉得他真的在乎我. 他一直是我无声的啦啦队长,我很感激他. 这段经历是无价的!! 我可以继续说下去,但和诺姆一起工作是一种纯粹的快乐.


创业给你自由. 想出一个需要解决的问题, 与你的天赋和你的激情相匹配, 然后走出去,去做. 生命是如此珍贵和不可预测, 我们都应该努力确保每天都能享受生活, 尽我们所能帮助社区,回馈最脆弱的人群. 此外,找一个优秀的导师和教练来帮助你完成这个过程. 访问SCORE网站并提交您的商业信息,以便分配一位导师. 但是要做好调查, 永不放弃, 记住,唯一的“坏主意”是你从未付诸行动或赋予生命的想法. 最后,但并非最不重要的是,失败也是成功. 从失败中不断前进,吸取教训,忘记错误.


这样做! Don't overthink it; just complete the application process, which is not long, and think positively. 我想确保人们知道你对自己的工作负责. 不要指望你的导师为你做你的工作或你的想法. They are there to guide you through the process and offer guidance on enhancing your overall business operations. 然而他们在各个方面都很支持我, I know that I would not be as successful with 我的生意 at this point had I not taken notes when Norm and I would meet, 创建了自己的待办事项清单, 并主动办理登机手续,而不是等他. I was not pressuring him to solve 我的生意 problems; instead, 他为我提出了改进的方法. 你必须致力于这个过程. 这需要时间, 我还有很多事情要做, 但我很有信心,我将在所有领域取得成功. 最后, 如果你一次都没成功, do not give up; try again and again because you never know.


I help SCORE clients with business planning and sales and marketing, with a particular focus in the...

(410) 962-6195

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部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.
